Contact numbers for the surgeries are:

029 2039 5115
029 2059 2351
Lines open: 8.00am to 6.30pm
Your calls will be centralised and answered between both surgeries.

Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing and some vaccination services. Our fees for these services are displayed in the surgery.

We no longer complete Blue Badge Forms at the surgery. Please contact the local Vale of Glamorgan Council for this service.

All requests will be reviewed by a GP partner to ensure your request can be completed. You will be contacted to provide payment which can be made by card, cash or cheque. Cheques are to be made payable to Lansdowne Surgery.

Please allow up to 4 weeks for your request to be processed.

Non NHS services – charges


Holiday Cancellation………………………..£30

Insurance Claim form………………………£30

Private Medical Cert………………………..£30

Driving Licence Validation……………… £30

Jury Exemption………………………………..£60


Camp America…………………………………£40

Letters – ‘Fit For’

travel/filming etc………………………….£30

Freedom from Infection……………….£30

For School/Uni……………………………. £30

Fitness to attend gym…………………..£30

To Whom it May Concern……………..£30

For Local Authority………………………£30

Legal …………………………………………..£50


Sports Medical………………………………£110

Fitness to Drive……………………………..£110


Taxi (renewal)……………………………….£89.50

DVLA (no examination) …………………£50

Adoption ………………………………………£133

Fitness to travel …………………………….£110


Sports Medical…………………………. £100

Armed Forces………………………….. £100

For Employer (without examination)………£89.50

For Employer (with examination) ………….£150

Insurance………………………………… £125


Firearms Report/Certificate……….£75


Date published: 20th September, 2023
Date last updated: 6th December, 2023